Király 100 Gastro Corner
Pay us a visit !According to its business philosophy, Király 100 Gastro Corner is devoted to naturalness and the
preservation of Hungarian traditions by using
the widest possible range of Hungaricums.
When making our dishes we bring artisian food
and traditional technology to the fore by taking
present days’ demand into consideration.
Our chickens are raised in household farmings
in order to provide our guests the best quality meat when
fryng them battered or breaded. Our mangalica pig
and grey cattle meat come from a ranch that is
situated in the neighbourhood of Kecskemét.
Duck and goose meat also comes form a
small-scale plant including the dairy products.
We try to lighten the dominance of the Hungarian products
by the help of our excellent quality South American and
New Zealander barbecue steaks.
Besides the above we are proud of our
traditional soups, homemade pastas especially
our freshly pulled strudel pasta that is the most
popular Hungarian dessert.
Our pálinka selection is a unique one comprising
150 pieces. Next to this we are proud of our
wide wine selection delivered by excellent
Hungarian producers. We hope that our
commitment is appreciated by our guest along
with the respect of traditions, naturality and
Articles about us
“Our Gastro Corner has been open for more than
20 years in its current form and during this time
several articles were published about us.”
We have collected some of them under:
• Király 100 Gastro Corner is 20 years old. ( 1993 – 2014 ) »
Source: www.foodandwine.hu
Downloadable version. »
• Király 100 Gastro Corner – the famous Gastro Corner.»
Source: www.gasztrocheck.blogspot.hu
Downloadable version. »
• Király 100 Gastro Corner Gastro Corner is 20 years old.»
Source: www.trademagazin.hu
Downloadable version. »
• Granny’s taste in an easy way»
Source: www.nepszava.hu
Downloadable version. »
• My man Karcsi is in Király 100 Gastro Corner again?»
Source: www.varosban.blog.hu
Downloadable version. »
• The Király 100 Gastro Corner»
Source: www.vendeglatas.blog.hu
Downloadable version. »